About Amanda

Amanda Robertson

Principled. Proven. Prepared.

There’s much more to Amanda Robertson, but those three words fit her well. And that’s just a start.

Principled.  Amanda has worked tirelessly to bring communities together to protect our environment, prepare for climate change, and to ensure a bright future for our up-and-coming youth, Chatham’s citizens and neighbors. 

Proven.  Her genuine efforts to preserve Chatham County’s natural resources, to give the county’s citizens agency in their futures, and to hold power brokers accountable, once caused some doubts – now her work and actions are considered prescient and inspired. 

Prepared.  Amanda is an established Chatham County resident, and she’s helped shepherd numerous Chatham County efforts to protect its citizens and its plentiful natural resources. 

Her leadership and presence has been essential on many fronts – from her current service on Chatham County’s Planning Board to the county’s Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee, and her active support for county, state and federal Democratic Party efforts.

She’s been the Board Chair for the NC Climate Solutions Coalition, helped organize and served on Chatham County’s Climate Change Advisory Committee, and was a founding member of APPPL (the Alliance to Protect our People and the Places we Live).

She’s diligently earned the respect of those who’ve worked by her side (and oftentimes those who may have a different point of view, too) – and all of them laud her integrity, her thoroughness, her authenticity and her love for Chatham County.

And she’s done all this while balancing her roles as a wife, a mother, a small independent business owner (she’s founded and operated two educational design firms, has taught at NC State in Raleigh, among other endeavors), and offering support to community non-profits, from her small hobby farm in the woods. 

But don’t take this brief introduction as the ultimate word on Amanda – see what others are saying about her.

Amanda Robertson.

Humbly asking for your support
and your vote. 

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